Greetings, I am Carlos Piñerúa, Venezuelan, 39 years old, residing in Caracas, Venezuela; Marketer by profession, graduated from the Simón Rodríguez University with a degree in Administration, mention in Marketing and Superior Marketing Technician, graduated from the Cecilio Acosta University College in Los Teques.
With experience over 10 years, in the marketing of products for mass consumption; acquiring valuable managerial experience in the areas of Sales, Purchasing, Customer Service, Logistics, Inventories and Projects; with the satisfaction of a recognized track record and satisfactory results during my management.
In search of undertaking new challenges and with my managerial experience, I ventured into the Real Estate sector under the Real Estate Century 21 brand, obtaining notable results as General Manager, ranking No. 21 of all the offices in Greater Caracas; demonstrating excellent performance and teamwork; and in growth I participated as Manager of the company Real Estate Solutions Area.
Founder and CEO of the Global CC Group, a professional services company and Founder of the Global Technology and Communications company, generating opportunities that enhance value propositions for the success of clients and diversifying the portfolio of products and services that we offer at Somos Global CC, all of this Thanks to the trajectory and experience acquired with creativity, innovation and leadership that have allowed me to conceive competitive business opportunities hand in hand with new trends in technological environments that generate significant changes in organizations.
Since 2018 I have carried out various trainings such as courses, workshops, forums, conversations in an active and enthusiastic way, putting into practice the knowledge acquired under the blockchain technology environment, DeFi, Metaverse or Web3 development, mainly with the certifications obtained from the protocol. NEAR (Near Certified Analyst NCA) and (Near Certified Teacher NCP) through Near Hispanic.
I currently participate in different communities under blockchain technology; mainly Near Venezuela, with active participation in the Open Web Academy, Near P2P, Paras, Nativo, 4myfuture, Aurora, Burrito Battle communities, with an NFT awarded as community awards and as a promoter of the Free Horse Project through the acquisition of an NFT and the publication of NFTs in Natives.