Aurora validator v 2.0 setup

**A fee-free blockchain is a good wish, but it is very difficult to achieve. **

  1. According to the hypothesis you put forward, the distribution of 5M aurora can attract 70M near stake to the validator nodes of aurora, which means that we exchanged $115M(5M aurora @ $23) for 80M. For us, we used aurora with a market value of $1.43 in exchange for $1. For near holders, 10% of the income is almost the same as when they pledged on other validator nodes, not to mention after the native deifi protocol on near goes live. In summary, this is not a good deal for us and near holders.I think the actual amount of staked NEAR and the income generated will be much lower than planned. It is a bit similar to a one-year skyward fundraising…

  2. In fact, for high-performance chains, even free rpc is already a bit unsustainable. For example, bsc, matic…bsc nodes with poor performance at peak times often have to pay higher gas price transactions than high-performance rpc nodes in order to be normal.In the same situation, matic cannot work normally even if you add more gas price, it often takes a long time, even more than 1 hour …Fee-free chain plus free rpc is definitely a disaster. Here is a robot contract on the bsc chain: Contract Address 0x038d51ae282c2c16d8bae1908f468bc919f2eb1b | BscScan, and bsc has hundreds of such robots. This can only be regarded as a violent use, and it is far from reaching the point of a malicious attack. If the transaction is free, perhaps 99% of the transactions on aurora will be issued by 1% of traders. For a cost-free evil environment, you can refer to telegram and discord,what did ordinary users there go through. Blockchain technology currently has certain limitations, and it is still not economical and practical. If you want to choose one of the two, I think it is the best way to do a good job in the user experience (in fact, the near transaction costs are already very low), the extremely fast rpc, high-speed blockchain performance, support the ecology to increase development efforts, These all need money. Fee-free blockchain is good, we can take it as an ultimate goal, don’t rush for a while