Jet platform mechanics

Thanks for the suggestion, @xo30fb .

IMO, punishments are a bit worse incentive rather then pure positive incentives for the active community.

In case people don’t want to take part in the voting, no problem: they might be too busy. According to staking proposal their VOTEs would just decay and they would be able to influence nothing. Moreover, as it said in the collecting stats section, the staking contract will collect the info on the used redeemed and used VOTE tokens. These numbers might play a role in the future governance depending on the DAO decisions.

Just as an example, if the decentalization of the governance proposal will pass, the DAO would need to decide on the weighting formula for the DAO council elections. And it might be something like:

(voting power of the user) = (received VOTE tokens over the period of the previous year) + 5*(used VOTE tokens over the period of the previous year)

The above formula is embracing the value that is provided to the Aurora community of the users that are active.

Also, there are no formulas where the calculations are relative to the total amount of VOTE tokens obtained by AURORA stakers. What matters is only the amount of VOTE tokens that were used for voting for the projects. So, the fact that some people would withdraw AURORA or won’t use VOTE won’t sabotage anything—other votes would just become more valuable.

Also, please remember that to get VOTE tokens, users must stake for the whole period of the season. So there’s no option for a person to stake AURORA, get VOTE tokens, use them and then immediately unstake AURORA. Staker deliberately chooses the period during which he is not able to unstake.

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