[REPORT] Aurora Community Mods Ops March 24

Presenting Aurora Community Mods Ops monthly reports for March to the community.

Telegram :

Total Overview : 13.4k Members | 231.9k Messages

Discord :

*Analytics not available right now.

Overview : 26.2k members

What we did collectively :

  • Provided 24/7 support on Telegram, Discord, Community Tech Support group and Helpscout.
  • First response time on Helpscout < 15 minutes for 94% of tickets, avg. response time < 15 mins for 81% of tickets.
  • News stream channel and official announcements on Telegram & Discord.
  • Attended community mods weekly sync for the updates from the team.
  • Presented issues and technical problems to the DevRel and Engineering team with regular updates of Tech questions sheet every week.
  • Worked closely with the dev support team for tech related questions of users.
  • Kept users safe from scams by removing bots, scammers and encouraging them to not interact with unofficial sources.
  • Discussed ways of improving the channels.

Brief work description of each mod :

Zubair : 8 hours online at Telegram, discord & helpscout every day. Apart from regular support, checked on tasks execution of each mod, helped them with some answers. Wrote proposals and reports for the Ops. Presented tech questions and issues to DevRel and Engineering team weekly.

Aman: Was active 8 hours/per day on Weekdays + weekends to answer the queries on all the platforms (TG, HelpScout & Discord).

rexux : Rexux was responsible for providing 8 hours of support on Telegram, Discord, and Helpscout per day every day. Additionally, managing the Aurora Discord server, overseeing all channels and bots within the server. He also shared updates about the Aurora Ecosystem through various platforms, including Telegram, Discord, near.social, and Mastodon. Shared new ideas of improving the server.

Thanks everyone for reading the report. We assure to provide 24/7 support to the AURORA community always.

Note : No Admin will DM you first, beware of scammers. Never share your seedphrase!!! Stay safe Aurora community :green_heart:

Best regards,

AURORA Community Mods Ops Team

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