Aurora Blockchain

I participated in the Galxe campaign and decided to start using Aurora+. However, I have encountered several issues:

Firstly, the Aurora Pass wallet has proven to be quite disappointing. The APY of Aurora+ has dropped significantly from 35% to a mere 17%. Over time, the proof-of-stake (POS) mechanism seems to lack adequate security measures. Additionally, the chart displays clear manipulations, and the token price is disheartening.
Have you considered compensating your employees in fiat currency? I am growing tired of their constant selling of Aurora tokens.

Furthermore, the integration of Aurora+ into the Aurora network has been problematic. It took me 40 minutes of wasted effort to no avail. I am left wondering why a proper implementation could not be achieved.

Regarding the functionality of Aurora+, while it may appear visually appealing, it lacks practicality. The staking percentage has dropped to a point where it no longer makes sense to hold the tokens. Staking 2.0 has not been introduced, and the initial version has been mismanaged. Consequently, I am selling my tokens at a loss.

As for the Aurora Pass, despite the extensive advertising, I have found it to offer nothing new. The application is sluggish and functions poorly. It feels highly unfinished and inadequate.