Community Members

Hello @auroracommunitymods @Alex_J @Alex

I hope this tag is for the right people to answer the questions I will raise here.

It’s been a long time since community activities went on. From the bear market when the project grant was halted to the Community Grant that was transitioned to NDC, which now is halted pending when the proposed staking to vote method is established, the Aurora Community activities have been quiet.

While BIG projects can keep users and draw new users to their products, smaller projects (in terms of funding and team strength) have not been able to do so.

The transaction volume on Dappradar for Aurora says it all that a massive project as this is either not well known or doesn’t bring the number of users it should bring.

Aurora cloud
Aurora Pass
…name it. All the good products here.

My questions are, apart from the strategies that ‘failed’ in the past due to different reasons, what else can be done to support smaller projects and organic communities to be able to bring in more users and also retain them?

Are there plans to give any form of support that is yet announced?

It would be good if answers will be given to these.
Thanks :heart:

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Aurora seems to be navigating through some tough times. Polosuhin has been a strong support for his friend, but the project is encountering several hurdles, such as no revenue from silos, a high burn rate, and challenges with the market maker. The Aurora DAO councils have seen limited participation in governance, and both the Aurora Pass and Aurora Shield projects haven’t achieved the expected success. Additionally, marketing and partnership efforts have been minimal, and Alex’s engagement in AMAs has decreased. These challenges are also reflected in the token’s performance. Aurora Labs has been selling NEAR tokens from their bull run treasury to cover salaries, and there are concerns about community grants being awarded primarily to friends without proper reporting.