[report] March & April Brazil Guild

Hello Aurora Community, this is our March/April report.


2 articles per week for the Medium
Translation of the main news and articles of the Official website (technical and non-technical documents) + Updates on demand
We had 40 articles translated and posted in December.
We made a tutorial explaining how to buy Aurora with C14 and another tutorial on how to create and use Aurora + and Metamask on smartphones, both on Medium and Youtube.

5 vídeos and 7 weekly news stories were posted on Youtube too.

Weekly posts on Twitter and Instagram and more than 1000 followers
Weekly posts on Twitter and Instagram. We had Daily posts on both.

1244 seguidores
621 seguidores
438 seguidores

  • Here is our percentage growth :white_check_mark:
    Instagram: 622 (+27%)
    Twitter: 1245 (+9,5%)
    Telegram: 439 (+14%)

In combination with the Events our guild is attending, we created a whole month of Twitter Spaces, each day with a new web3 professional, creating a solid bond between the Aurora Brazil and the Web3 Brazil community in general.

AMA com Helo Passos do jogo Boom Boogers - Seg. 24/04 20h
AMA Lucas do NFT Brasil - Ter. 25/04 20h
AMA com Guta Nascimento do Migrante Digital - Qua. 26/04 20h
Live Streaming do Evento SP NFT Talks - Qui. 27/04 20h
AMA com Fernando Souza - Confraria WEB3 - Sex. 28/04 20h

…and much more in the drive link.

wallet: cavenaghi.near
Carolina Cavenaghi - Brazil Guild Leader
TG: Telegram: Contact @cacavenaghi Cavenaghi Lynkfire

Thank you always for the support @ell @Alex_J @johanga


Good morn!
Here is your work done in the month of March - April

Socials March - April
No. of Followers Planned Achieved
Twitter 1305 1158
Telegram 620 435
Medium followers 16 19
Articles 16-24 38
Near Social 0 19
YouTube 8-16 11
Instagram - 628
Events - 7
AMAs/Twitter Space 8 16

Community Monthly Growth

Cost Per User

Thanks for the work, but the cost per user (CPU) is very high, much need to work on it!


sure, we’re working on it. In the coming months we will ask for less budget, and we will increase the number of users. I would like to remind you that March and April in Brazil are months of instability in terms of online participation in projects in general. We have a lot of holidays, and this growth plateau really happens. Thank you for the support @Dk_51


Great. The job has been done. We will keep it refining the work to achieve the goals and stay paired with other guilds.

Também ótimo trabalho de @whoiscavenaghi trazendo muitos especialistas em web3 para falar sobre diferentes aspectos para os membros da nossa comunidade por meio dos AMAs.


Hello all! As the board member responsible for concept part and solution development for Aurora Brazil Guild, I wanted to express my excitement at where our project is heading. Being immersed in Brazilian community life is absolutely key for our success; and we remain dedicated to building strong and engaged connections through innovative efforts like web3 apprentice project, daily AMAs and being present at events, the social medias and the telegram management with prizes and incentives to keep the daily work and users active.

I truly believe our approach is correct and have a clear vision of our goals. Any attempt at artificially inflating our growth through unorganic means would only serve to damage trust among members of our community and the Brazil population, so instead we focus on genuine engagement, high-quality content creation, and meaningful relationships within and among projects within the community.

The development of a central powerfully central dapp as our marketplace project, will def boost this bonds. @Alex

As a member of the Aurora Brazil community, I am sure the Aurora Brazil Guild will thrive and meet its goals with great success. We are fully dedicated to serving Brazilian culture, understanding that success depends on building meaningful relationships and presenting worthwhile projects. So let’s continue working toward our shared goal of building a vibrant and engaged community together!

Thanks @whoiscavenaghi and @rossoni for the great team. And @Dk_51 and the Aurora team for all the support.