Complaint against Aurora Tip Bot

good morning, and thank you for your active contribution to the Aurora Community life! :green_heart:

this topic was already opened by AuroraHunters members also here

and here

as for me personally, I have received thousands of complaints and I couldnā€™t agree more with all of them.
but, mostly thereā€™s a lack of suggestions :blush:

what I can offer from my side: we can organize a community voice chat on any community Tg (the official one, or Hunters), to call tipbot team as guests, and give a chance to speak to everyone who has ideas about solutions from the community.
before that, weā€™ll collect questions and propositions from community members to create an agenda and moderate this voice chat accordingly, without making a mess )

I see the chance that it will be open code of the bot, so weā€™ll be able to create a bounty and call for community devs to improve it, but generally speaking, Iā€™m not a technical person and itā€™s better to achieve ideas from devs, by my view