[Proposal] Aurora Vietnam Q3'23

Guild name:

Aurora Vietnam

Previous proposal:

Previous report:

I. Strategy

In Q3’2023, we will focus more on increasing Unique Active Wallet by:

  1. Strengthening the user’s engagements & on-chain transactions:
  • Established Aurora VN XDAO, and create online & offline events to boost txn on-chain.
  • Promote key projects, and initiatives from Aurora to improve use cases (Aurora Pass, stAurora staking, Galxe airdrop campaign…)
  1. Recruit new crypto users for the whole Ecosystem:
  • Reach for new communities and organize collaboration activities to increase organic members of Aurora Vietnam Telegram.
  1. Recruit new general users to Aurora:
  • Focusing more on Tiktok to allow us to reach the new blue ocean, bringing general users to Aurora Vietnam ecosystems.

Besides, we keep retaining our current activities on the traditional platform (Twitter, Telegram, Medium, Youtube) to keep the community active and build relationships with all stakeholders to serve the 3 new strategies above.


Based on the strategy, we would like to propose goals and improving metrics (highlighted in red/ orange) as follows:

Please check the hi-res version here

III. Grants:

### Channels ### Total KPI ### Workload ### Budget/ month
Twitter +450 followers Twitter content strategy & execution/ Translate & stream unlimited news from Aurora $1400
Telegram 2000 members (+500 members) Increase using of the tip bot:50 registration/ 3 months - Register Aurora +: 45 registration/ 3 months $600
Medium articles translation & creation 30 medium articles Including 24 translated articles in 3 months, 6 created articles in 3 months $500
Online events (Project support & AMA) 9 events 3 AMAs - 3 Community calls - Aurora Pass: 45 registration - Staking Aurora event: +100 users $300
Dev Solidity community building 3 events EVM dev training & recruitment $400
Tiktok 12 videos - 7200 views Recruit non-aurora users through Tiktok new media $300
Subtotal $3,500
Offline events ad-hoc Participate in offline events Based on Aurora’s decision

Please check the old KPI here

Total for 3 months: $3500 x 3 = 10500$ ~ Round up the number: 10000$

Wallet ID: vietnamnearofficial.near

We are looking forward to your feedback & approval! @ell @Alex_J @johanga @Dk_51
Aurora Vietnam team