[Report] Aurora Chinese Community November Report

Hi Aurora family, @ell @johanga @Alex

This monthly report covers the community growth and activities operated by Aurora Chinese Community in November 2022.

Current proposal
[Approved] Aurora Chinese November & December - Aurora Community / Aurora Community proposals - Aurora

Approved amount:

Guild name:
Aurora Chinese Community


Media Content
12 articles in Medium

每周更新 2022–10–28 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

每周更新 2022–11–11 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

每周更新 2022–11–18 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

每周更新 2022–11–25 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

三分钟读懂 NEAR 的 EVM 兼容链 Aurora​ - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

旧闻回顾 | 以太坊扩容方案Aurora完成1200万美元首轮融资 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

盘点Aurora+有哪些实用功能 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

Aurora发布新平台Aurora+,现在注册可享多重福利! - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

一文读懂Aurora:NEAR上的以太坊L2 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

Aurora CEO:我们为什么要启用 ETH 作为基础代币?具体如何实现? | by Aurora China 中文频道 | Nov, 2022 | Medium

NEAR PoS迎来重大升级! Aurora率先支持Stake Farming功能 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

Aurora生态与Fireblocks完成集成 - Aurora China 中文频道 - Medium

Establish Aurora column in WeChat official account

Aurora Playbook Release:

Daily Content

Telegram News Channel

https ://t.me/NEAR_ChinaNews

Daily news of Aurora ecosystem and the crypto space

Telegram Chat Channel

Daily communication and events promotion

Twitter - 127 in November / 116 were in last month


Daily news of Aurora ecosystem, interaction with other community and projects and translation of Alex’s twitter threads

AMA with Learn Near.Club

Quiz about Aurora+

Quiz: Everything about Rainbow Bridge

Telegram member (Telegram: Contact @Aurora_chinese) - 339 in November / 220 were in last month

Twitter followers (https://twitter.com/AuroraisnearCN) - 719 in November / 859 were in last month, followers decreased due to market chaos

Twitter tweets (https://twitter.com/AuroraisnearCN) - 127 in October / 116 were in last month

Community Stream:
Translated and promoted 44 of 61 news from 1/11/2022 to 5/12/2022.

Target Market:

Chinese community plays critical role in crypto space. We aim to promote Aurora in the entire Chinese crypto community.

Cost per user:

We currently provide community services for around 7,400 and 340 community members in NEAR Chinese community and Aurora China Guild telegram group respectively.
We are aware that members get used to communicate everything including Aurora in Near China Guild. In order to adapt to the users behaviours and put great efforts to reach the optimal outcome, we not only promote Aurora in Aurora China Guild telegram group but also Near Chinese community telegram group.

Considering the budget of $3,000 per month we propose, the cost per user is 3000/7400 = $0.4 /user monthly.


Crypto market has its ups and downs, we are always here for our members. We hope you can consider the future we are building together for the current and potential Chinese Market instead of just the short-term performance.


hi! thank you for your report and for your job
from your proposal we see:

after analyzing both I’ve got:
Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 02.17.40

what support do you need to improve your results?

from where did you get the number ‘3100’? :slight_smile:

1 Like

Hi, Johanga. It’s a two-month goal. There may be some adjustments along the way due to market conditions, but we are gradually working toward :slight_smile:

About the budget, you can check on our proposal here: [Approved] Aurora Chinese November & December - Aurora Community / Aurora Community proposals - Aurora

By the way, during the community operation, we also have some feedback want to share. CC @ell @Alex_J

  1. Organizing marketing campaigns around significant milestones is the best way to hack growth. But now, we can’t find a narrative to center around.
  2. Aurora stream may have 3~5 pieces of content per day that want the regional community to share. But we feel confused about the significance of the news, and there seems quite scattered. Can Aurora stream share more about the news’ priority? This going to help us a lot to arrange the propaganda.

Thanks! And would love to receive any comments about our feedback above.