[Report] Aurora Chinese Community Reports for January and February

Hi Aurora family, @ell @johanga

This monthly report covers the community growth and activities operated by Aurora Chinese Community in January and February 2023.

Current proposal

Approved amount: 3000 USDT per month

Guild name: Aurora Chinese Community

Wallet: auroracn.near

Media Content

14 articles in Medium, 1 in WeChat and 1 Original Video for 2 months

Aurora每周新闻#71– 2023/02/24





Aurora每周新闻#68 —2023/02/02




Hyungsuk Kang:不断追求优秀标准的Aurora区块链 & EVM工程师

Aurora Labs推出新的伙伴项目

Aurora每周新闻-2023/01/13 #65


Aurora Labs发布2022年终回顾

Aurora年终回顾 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NarftKbXkhGXbiXvu5UifA

Aurora+ tutorial video (Chinese Version)

Daily Content

  • Telegram Chat Channel: Daily communication/ News share/ Events promotion
  • Discord Chinese channel: Daily communication/ News share/ events promotion Discord

  • Twitter: Daily news of Aurora ecosystem, interaction with other community and projects



8 events in total, including 3 AMA, 2 Quiz, 2 Festival campaigns and 1 Twitter Space


Telegram members (Telegram: Contact @Aurora_chinese 1) - 532 / 394 in December, +35.0%

Telegram members (Telegram: Contact @NEAR_China )- 8643 / 8022 were in last month, +7.7%

Twitter followers (https://twitter.com/AuroraisnearCN) - 2566 /1042 in December, +146.5%

Twitter tweets (https://twitter.com/AuroraisnearCN) , tweet impressions, profile visits and mentions all have great increase, check more below:

Target Market:

Chinese community plays a critical role in the crypto space, especially the Hongkong released some favorable policies about the crypto industry. We aim to promote Aurora in the entire Chinese crypto community.

Cost per user:

We currently provide community services for around 8,638 and 532 community members in NEAR Chinese community and Aurora China Guild telegram group respectively.

We know that members get used to communicating everything including Aurora in Near China Guild. In order to adapt to the user’s behaviors and put great efforts into reaching the optimal outcome, we promote not only Aurora in the Aurora China Guild telegram group but also the NEAR Chinese community telegram group.

Considering the budget of $3,000 per month we propose, the cost per user is 3000/9170 = $0.33 /user monthly.

Hey, good morn!
Here is your work done in the months of January-February

Socials January-February
No. of Followers Planned Achieved(Jan-Feb)
Telegram 500/2 months 518
Twitter 1500/2 months 2615
Medium followers 2 5
Articles 16/2 months 18
Events 8+ 12
AMAs - 3

Community Weekly Growth

Please Increase the number of AMAs, Thanks for the great job!