[Report] Aurora Chinese Community November Report

Hi, Johanga. It’s a two-month goal. There may be some adjustments along the way due to market conditions, but we are gradually working toward :slight_smile:

About the budget, you can check on our proposal here: [Approved] Aurora Chinese November & December - Aurora Community / Aurora Community proposals - Aurora

By the way, during the community operation, we also have some feedback want to share. CC @ell @Alex_J

  1. Organizing marketing campaigns around significant milestones is the best way to hack growth. But now, we can’t find a narrative to center around.
  2. Aurora stream may have 3~5 pieces of content per day that want the regional community to share. But we feel confused about the significance of the news, and there seems quite scattered. Can Aurora stream share more about the news’ priority? This going to help us a lot to arrange the propaganda.

Thanks! And would love to receive any comments about our feedback above.