[Report] Monthly Report (Sept) - Aurora Insider

Hello everyone, hello new month! We’re excited to report our work in September. You can see our proposal last month here: [Approved] Social Media - September | Aurora Insider - #5 by near.insider
1. Social Media

  • Infographics: Achieve target
  • Total Impressions: Missing 2K (Our account was “Search Ban” by Twitter from 22/09, so we can’t post. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are working on it)


- Histopia: https://twitter.com/aurora_Insider/status/1570034604182245377 (68 listeners)
- Gymnasia: We got some problems, so we created 2 spaces

Aurora Insider x Aurora India

3. Contact with us
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aurora_Insider
Telegram: @near_insider_DM

We will continue our efforts to create even more value for the ecosystem. Proud to be part of the ecosystem. Thank you very much!

Aurora Insider team.


Hey @near.insider
Please follow NEW FORMAT to submit your report:


Great work team. Aurora India definitely love to extend synergies with Aurora Insider.


Thank you for the report! Could you please include metrics of the promo activities with next reports?

  • AMA (number of people on Twitter Spaces; the number of users in the promoting social media apps - before the AMA and after).
  • Infographics, promo (the number of users in the promoting apps - before the promo campaign and after).
  • and feedback from the promoting dApps. - must be included in all future reports.

Thanks for your feedback. Sure! We will do next month

Hello, thanks for report.
Very cool graphics.

With all due respect, but we offered a special report format to make it clearer how our groups are growing.

Did you see this topic?

I would also like to know how the funds were spent.
Unfortunately, there is no information about this in the report.

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