We are growing and there are more guilds in the ecosystem, so we need a more unified form of reports to better calculate our overall growth

Also, looking at the guild reports, not everyone indicates what spending was done in the reports.
My proposal is to unify the form of reporting.

Old structure of report
The following is the required structure for this reporting and suggested metrics for project success:

Please include a link to the Approved proposal on the Aurora forum;
Approved amount in $;
Target wallet;
Project Name;
Project Status: In Progress, completed;
Share information about achieved KPIs;
Compare results with initial targets.

New structure of report

Please include a link to the Approved proposal on the Aurora forum;
Approved amount in $;
Target wallet;
Guild Name;
Share information about achieved KPIs:

  • Month (For which month is this report)
  • Main Сontent (Videos, Articles, Metrics)
  • Daily Content (Posts in Telegram, Instagram, Twitter) + (Show the numbers that were with those that have become)
  • Events (AMAs, any events and contests)
  • Grants (What were the funds spent on (amount - purpose - destination))
  • Growth your media (Show the numbers that were with those that have become)

Compare results with initial targets.

How will the report look like?

[Report] Next Guild August 2022

Previous proposal

Approved amount in $

Guild name:
Next Guild


Main Content
2 videos on Youtube
4 articles in Medium

Daily Content
Telegram News Channel - 67 in August / 50 were in last month
Progress: 34% (+17 posts)
Twitter - 65 in August / 50 were in last month
Progress: 30% (+15 posts)

AMA with Trisolaris

AMA with Aurigami

AMA with cryptocommunity XXX to attract users to our chatroom

Meme contest

50 Aurora - CM Jessy’s salary
30 Aurora - Moderator Alex,s salary
100 Aurora - Rewards for meme contest (10 winners)

Telegram (link on your Telegram) - 67 in August / 50 were in last month
Progress: 34% (+17 posts)
Twitter (link on your Twitter) - 65 in August / 50 were in last month
Progress: 30% (+15 posts)

If you planned something else in the submitted proposal and did not perform it, you can write why and what was the reason for the blocking of this or that action.

If you have thoughts on how to improve this workflow, please share them.


This new structure of reports submission is very precise and will help in transparency.
Great review from the Aurora team.
Well done guys


Great job! Me likey :joy:

This template is concise and straightforward.
