[Approved] Reddit OPS September October

Hello fam :slight_smile:

We have created the Aurora Reddit and growing Aurora Community there!
We launched Aurora Reddit two weeks ago and intend to take some initiatives to engage more community members and grow our subreddit!

Our introductory post is here: [Introdution] AURORA REDDIT OPS - INTRODUCTION

We’ve been engaging the community for the past two weeks by sharing relevant posts on our subreddit and we’ve achieved a total impression of 1355 with a total upvote of approximately 76 in two weeks.

Our future initiatives would include the following:
• Sharing Relevant Posts related to Aurora Ecosystem
• Reddit AMAs with different team members of Aurora Ecosystem Projects
• Posting/cross-posting on other Crypto Community Subreddits in order to expand our subreddit.
• Organizing various community events (such as memes, infographic event, and so on) to help Aurora Reddit grow.

Metric to assess the success of our initiatives:
• 100 members on r/auroraisnear subreddit
• 5000 Impressions on Posts
• Engagement in AMAs

Our initial team would be of two members.
Rahul: Community Moderator, Content Manager, Organises AMAs
Vikash: Community Moderator, Graphics Designer, and posting in other subs to drive engagement.

We also have created a flair for guides and looking forward to making our subreddit a hub for Aurora Guides which would be easily accessible for users

Here’s a breakdown of our proposal, let me know your thoughts about it.

• Community Moderators/Content Manager: $300×2 = $600

• Marketing in other Reddit Communities and Growing subreddit: $500

• Community Events(meme, infographic event, etc): 300$

• AMAs with Ecosystem Projects: $600 ($150×4 projects).

The reward will be distributed to the winners of the AMA.

Total Budget: $2000×2 months = $4000

We are seeking funding for activities for 2 months to smoothly continue marketing, events, and AMAs.

Wallet: aurorareddit.near

Please don’t forget to join our Aurora Reddit Community.
Tagging Council Members @ell @Alex_J


You have a good channel for discussing prices and news. Your Merchants Near channel can’t publish Aurora prices and discuss them? Pricing policy does not have much information. If I’m wrong, give arguments. Do you have a telegram channel and Twitter?
Thx :blush:

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Proposal is approved


Thank you Alex😊

Ok, happy to approve. Thank you.

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Thank you Ell😇

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