[Report] Aurora Indonesia Sep-Oct 22

hi, thank you for the report!

few questions are here

I see in your proposal:

among big amount of images I can’t really recognize, what is what - could you navigate and guilde me please there, by showing:
– 5 articles per month - and how many viewers have it seen and read
– 2x per month giveaways - with numbers of participants, post about rewards,
what is the way(token and network) and which wallet was used for sending rewards? :smiling_face:
– can you choose and show the best graphics from your designer that costs for 350usd/month and is not a canva?

also wondering, what is the difference between all these 3 activities?
– Posts on Telegram and moderator
– Articles and news translated and posted on social media ( handle Twitter, Instagram and Telegram)
– Write articles, guides, and how-to guides on our Aurora Indonesian Blog


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