[REPORT] Aurora Venezuela Jun 2023

Previous proposal

[Approved] Aurora Venezuela - Jun

Approved amount in $


Previous Report ( Aurora Venezuela May )

Currently report: Jun 2023


Guild name:

Aurora Venezuela



Main Content


13 Articles (https://auroraespanol.medium.com/)

4 Weekly Newsletter

Total: 17 posts

:point_down: See details:



AMA 1: Jun 3, 2023, Video chat with the community, share your experiences, maximize profit and investing strategies (Telegram Group @venezuelaaurora)
18 Participants and 21 reproductions.

Link: Acompáñanos en la 2da reunión sobre el mundo cripto y tu experiencia - YouTube

Supporting Material


Participant Screenshot:

AMA 2: Jun 10, 2023, Video chat with the community, share your experiences, weekly news and current subjets (Telegram Group @venezuelaaurora)
19 Participants live +23 reproductions on our youtube channel so far.

Link: Reunión sobre experiencia cripto con la comunidad y Temas actuales del mundo cripto - YouTube

Supporting Material


Participant Screenshot:

AMA 3: Jun 17, 2023, Video chat with the community, share your experiences, Aurora Tipbot and SEC current news (Telegram Group @venezuelaaurora)
20 Participants live +12 reproductions on our youtube channel so far.

Link: Reunion con la comunidad sobre Aurora TipBot y noticias de la SEC - YouTube

Supporting Material


Participant Screenshot:

AMA 4: Jun 21, 2023, TEXT/AMA: Topic: AURORA VZLA X MOTODEX game (from Openbisea_en) (Telegram Group @venezuelaaurora)
Participants: online community.

Link: Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora

Supporting Material


Event Screenshot:

AMA 5: Jun 22, 2023, The HIVE community visits Aurora Venezuela (Telegram Group @venezuelaaurora)
22 Participants live
Link: Telegram

Supporting Material


Participant Screenshot:

AMA 6: Jun 24, 2023, Video chat with the community, share your experiences, Aurora Help Tools and Metamask (Telegram Group @venezuelaaurora)
26 Participants live and 23 reproductions
Link: Reunion con la comunidad sobre metamask, herramientas de ayuda y recomendaciones de los miembros - YouTube

Supporting Material


Participant Screenshot:

AMA 7: Jun 27, 2023, aurora Venezuela visits HIVE community
30 Participants live
Link: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OdJrzVWBNvJX?s=20

Supporting Material


Participant Screenshot:

Face-to-face event at the headquarters of Tecnologia Financiera

Web 3 & Blockchain

Link: Web3 y Blockchain: Explorando las oportunidades financieras y de desarrollo-Conversatorio - YouTube

Giveaway, Contest

Please see our detailed and transparent table:
Giveaways & rewards
you will find:
Date, Giveaway name, Channel, Nº Participants, Winners, Event Links, Contest Link, Total Reward (USD), Prize (USD), Prize (AURORA), Telegram user, Wallets, Tip-bot transaction or hash transaction.

Grant distribution

Activities Descriptión Budget
Activities questionnaires, giveaways, contests, quizzes, games, POAPs, contests organization, arts $200
Staff salaries Project Manager, Medium Manager, Twitter Manager, TG moderators(3) $1200
Creation of 10+ blog posts on Medium Aurora Venezuela AURORA articles, translations, projects, (500 to 1000 words each, 7 writers from community) $600
AMAs AURORA Network, AURORA projects $500

Extraordinary activity
Face-to-face, live event. Budget: $400.
Includes: Rental of the space with internet access, chairs, sound equipment, video projector, incentives, logistics, and refreshments.

Staff distribution

See Details
Activity Member
Project Manager: Ulises Marin @ramgor
Telegram group moderators: Julián Mostacero @bacohorse Alejandro Moreno @alejandrom Gilberth Betancourt @gilberthbetancourt Francisco John @Francisco
Twitter : Milly Rodriguez @MillyR06
Medium Content Curator: América Castro @Ame9986
AMAs / Workshops : Fritz Wagner @fritzworm, Francisco John @Francisco, Gilberth Betancourt @gilberthbetancourt, Ulises Marin @ramgor
Medium Writers: Francisco John @Francisco, Milly Rodriguez @MillyR06, Nicole Adames @Nicole, Yaneisia Hernandez @YaneisiaLHF, Alejandro Moreno @alejandrom, Juan Peña @jeph, America Castro @ame9986, Angel Sanchez @skyempire

Daily Content / Growth

(rounded numbers)

Twitter (@venezuelaaurora)


  • May 1490, Jun: 1778 + 297 (monthly goal +100)
  • Progress according to our goal 297%
Supporting TimeShot


  • Posted tweets __May: 219, _Jun: 305 __Variation 39%
  • Impressions:___ May: 78,4k Jun: 57,8K Variation -27%
  • Mentions: _____May: 543 __Jun: 449 __Variation -17%
  • Profile visits : __ May: 4006_Jun: 7343 _Variation 83%

Telegram News Channel - Aurora Anuncios en Español:

Link: Telegram: Contact @anunciosauroraES

  • Followers May: 79, Jun: 79
  • News posted: 176

Telegram Group (Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora)


  • May: 1050, June: 1155 (monthly goal +100)
  • Progress in followers 10%
  • Progress according to our goal 105%


  • Messages :______May 30272, - Jun: 37074, Variation 23%
  • Online participants: May: 87- ___Jun: 92, Variation 6%
  • Monthly Active Users May: 207 - __Jun: 254, Variation 23%
Supporting TimeShot

Medium (https://auroraespanol.medium.com/)


  • May 170 - Jun 181 (monthly goal +10)
  • Progress according to our goal 101%


  • Our goal for April: 10 Articles We achieved 13 articles and 4 Weekly Newsletters for a total of posts. 17

  • Progress according to our goal 117%

  • Total articles to date: 156


  • Readings May 252 - Jun 336 (monthly goal +250)
  • Views__: May 768 - Jun 1024 Variation 30% (monthly goal +600)
Supporting TimeShots

We continued with the progress and construction of our two new channels, YouTube Mundo Aurora and NEAR Social mundoaurora.near.


Metrics: YouTube channel Mundo Aurora

  • Followers: May: 44 _June:66, +22 Progress 50%
  • Videos: __May: 23 _June: 29, +6
  • Views: ___May: 133_June: 129 Variation -3%
Supporting TimeShots

Near Social

Metrics: mundoaurora.near

  • Followers May: 43 - Jun 47 +4 Progress 4%
Supporting TimeShots

It was an absolutely amending experience to have this unique opportunity of building this community together! We will keep going on our mission of making the people know about us!

Thanks to the grant program! @ell and @Alex_J , for your support and your trust, And their team of mentors and collaborators @johanga and @Dk_51. for your guidance. :smiley:


June has gone…

I would like to express my gratitude to Aurora Venezuela for another fantastic month of working together for the community! :fire:

I encourage everyone to pay attention to this remarkable community; you are truthfully achieving extraordinary things! :rocket:

I am delighted to continue contributing, as always!

Shooting for the stars! :stars:

Thank you! :heart_decoration:


Awesome work, team!! It has been an incredible journey helping to build this beautiful community. And it has been a pleasure to work with such a professional team. I am ready for the next stage to continue raising awareness about blockchain and Web3. :beers:


Good morn!
Here is your work done in the month of June

Socials June
No. of followers Planned Achieved
Twitter 1632 1778
Telegram 1173 1114
Medium followers 174 184
Events 4 8
Near Social 43 47
YouTube Videos 4 5
AMAs/Workshop 4 7
Articles 10+ 18
IamHuman - 25

Community Weekly Growth

Cost Per User [CPU]

Thanks for the great work!

Have a Great Day!