[REPORT] Aurora Venezuela March 2023

Previous proposal

[Approved] Aurora Venezuela - February -March

Approved amount in $

$5000 (split in two months/February -March)

Currently report: March 2023


Guild name:

Aurora Venezuela



Main Content


13 Articles (https://auroraespanol.medium.com/)

4 Weekly Newsletter

Total: 17 posts

:point_down: See details:



AMA 1: Mar.07-2023 Podcast: Aurora interview on Radio FM participants: Public radio audience

Link: FM 104.1 Radio Streaming

Supporting Material

flyer: Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora
Participant Screenshot:

AMA 2: Mar 08. 2023 Workshop: Yield farming Aurora Telegram channel 21 Particpants

Link: Obten rendimiento de tus activos con Yield Farming en Aurora - YouTube

Supporting Material

flyer: Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora
Participant Screenshot:

AMA 3: Mar.16-2023 Workshop: Cómo encontrar trabajo en la Web 3, 20 participants - Telegram Channel

Link: Cómo conseguir trabajo en la web3 - YouTube

Supporting Material

flyer: Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora
Participant Screenshot:

AMA 4: Mar 21-2023 Workshop: Cómo crear un token propio en la red de Aurora , 12 participants -Telegram

Link: Tokens y finanzas para emprendedores usando la Inteligencia artificial - YouTube

Supporting Material

flyer: https://t.me/venezuelaaurora/25448
Participants Screenshot:

AMA 5: Tue 23-2023 Workshop: Cómo conseguir trabajo en la web 3 (2da parte) , 10 participants -Telegram

Link: Cómo conseguir trabajo en la web 3 (2da parte) - YouTube

Supporting Material

Participants Screenshot:

AMA 6: Mar 28-2023 AMA: Conoce a la Zona Tres , 17 participants -Twitter Space

Link: Twitter Space

Supporting Material

flyer: Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora
Participants Screenshot:

Giveaway, Contest

Please see our detailed and transparent table:
Giveaways & rewards
you will find:
Date, Giveaway name, Channel, Nº Participants, Winners, Event Links, Contest Link, Total Reward (USD), Prize (USD), Prize (AURORA), Telegram user, Wallets, transaction hash.

Other Contests and Giveaways

Aurora+ Redeem Codes

(Contest organizer, promotions & flyers design )

Total Giveaway budget this month

Grant distribution

we had to reorganize our this month expenses due to the Aurora token fluctuation as follows

Activities Descriptión Budget
Activities questionnaires, giveaways, contests, quizzes, games, contests organization, arts $100
Staff salaries Project Manager, Medium Manager, Twitter Manager, TG moderators(3) $1100
Creation of 10+ blog posts on Medium Aurora Venezuela AURORA articles, translations, projects, (500 to 1000 words each, 7 writers from community) $600
AMAs AURORA Network, Solidity, AURORA projects $500

Staff distribution

See Details
Activity Member
Project Manager: Ulises Marin @ramgor
Telegram group moderators: Julián Mostacero @bacohorse Alejandro Moreno @alejandrom Gilberth Betancourt @gilberthbetancourt
Twitter : Milly Rodriguez @MillyR06
Medium Content Curator: América Castro @Ame9986
AMAs / Workshops : Fritz Wagner @fritzworm, Frank Cárdenas[ @devilhorse], (Profile - DevilHorse - Aurora), Francisco John @Francisco
Medium Writers: Francisco John @Francisco, Milly Rodriguez @MillyR06, Nicole Adames @Nicole, Yaneisia Hernandez @YaneisiaLHF, Alejandro Moreno @alejandrom, Juan Peña @jeph, America Castro @ame9986

Daily Content / Growth

(rounded numbers, no decimals)

Twitter (@venezuelaaurora)


  • Feb 1061, Mar 1078 +17 (monthly goal +100)
  • Progress according to our goal 2%

Side Note: We achieved 1154 followers on Twitter on march 22, but since then, the platform has erased 80 followers gained. On the other hand, we had a tremendous boost in our other Twitter metrics

Supporting TimeShot


  • Posted tweets _ Feb: 85_Mar 389 Progress 357%
  • Impressions:___ Feb: 24.6k_ Mar: 70.9k Progress 188%
  • Mentions: _____Feb: 194 _ Mar: 618 Progress 218%
  • Profile visits : __ Feb: 2.5k Mar:15.5k Progress 520%
Supporting TimeShot

Telegram News Channel - Aurora Anuncios en Español:

Link: Telegram: Contact @anunciosauroraES

  • Followers Feb: 60, Mar: 66, +6 Progress 10%

  • News posted: 218

Telegram Group (Telegram: Contact @venezuelaaurora)


  • Feb: 723. Mar: 825, +102 (monthly goal +100)
  • Progress in followers 14%
  • Progress according to our goal 102%


  • Messages :________Feb 15981, Mar 22055, progress 38%
  • Online participants:__ Feb: 68, Mar: 81, progress 19%
  • Monthly Active Users Feb: 273, Mar: 184, progress -32%
Supporting TimeShot

Medium (https://auroraespanol.medium.com/)


  • Feb: 124 - Mar: 144 +20 (monthly goal +10)
  • Progress according to our goal 200%


  • Our goal for February: 10 articles. We achieved 13 articles and 4 Weekly Newsletters total of 17 posts.
  • Progress according to our goal 117%


  • Readings Feb 251-Mar: 287 Progress 14% (monthly goal +250)
  • Views__: Feb 876 - Mar: 933 Progress 7% (monthly goal +600)
Supporting TimeShots

medium followers2


We are happy to announce that we have opened two new channels to engage with our community: a YouTube channel Mundo Aurora, a library for all our workshops and AMAs; this is a place where the Spanish speaking community can reach the activities we do for them.

Metrics: YouTube channel Mundo Aurora

  • 15 videos
Supporting TimeShots

Near Social

We are pleased to announce that we are also part of NEAR Social with mundoaurora.near a place where we want to keep spreading the word about Aurora in Spanish.

Metrics: mundoaurora.near

Supporting TimeShots

We keep track of our statistics as a metric to advance our goals, emphasizing the need to spread the news rather than focusing on getting new followers as our only goal, keeping and maintaining what we had built already.

Our compromise is to make more and more people meet and know about the Aurora ecosystem.

Thanks to the Aurora grants program for Their support. We will keep building a strong, participative, enthusiastic community for Aurora in Venezuela.

To our community and the Aurora Grants program:
This progress was possible because of your appreciated support!
We will keep building a strong, participative, and enthusiastic community for our ecosystem!


Very good work team and thanks to the project manager for this good proposal.


Excellent work being done, a great team and a wonderful Community. :fire:


Excellent job!


Excelente informe.


Fantastic! such an amazing job strengthened by the great work of the community


Hello team, here is your work done in the month of March.

Socials March
No. of Followers Planned Achieved (Mar)
Telegram 822 841
Twitter 1124 1079
Medium Followers 130 145
Articles 10 17
Events 4+ 18
AMAs 4 6

Community Weekly Growth

It’s great that you are doing multiple events every week, let’s invite community members to play the Aurora WORDL game, Thanks for a great job!

#AuroraOneLove :green_heart: