[Report] [October + November] Aurora NFT Club

[Note] This is a not a complete report. Final report will be updated on 5th December covering our last week activities.

Project Introduction : [Introduction] Aurora NFT Club
Approved Funding : $9020 , Reference
Duration : 7th October - 4th December

Breaking the overall report in five sections

  1. Social Media Report
  2. Activities Report
  3. Funds Distribution
  4. Our Services
  5. Connect with us

Social Media Report

1.1 Twitter

1.2 Instagram

  • Account: nftclub.aurora
  • Total Post: 48
  • Total Stories: 188
  • Accounts Reached: 1539
  • Accounts Engaged: 288
  • New Followers: 157 [Top Locations: USA = 41.7%, India = 23.2%, Brazil = 5.4%, Indonesia = 3.4%]

1.3 Telegram

  • Account: Telegram: Contact @auroranftclub
  • Total Members: 519
  • New Members: 628
  • Active Members: 545 (105.42%)
  • Removed Users:
    • Suspected bot Accounts and deleted accounts were removed.

1.4 Blogs and Subscribers

  • Medium Account: auroranftclub – Medium
  • Medium Blogs Published: 10
  • Medium Followers: 50 (+40 in Oct and Nov)
  • Medium Views: 93 + 593 = 686
  • Subscribers (Membership Form): 1000+

1.5 Hashtag #AuroraNFT Stats

  • Mentions: 1648
  • Estimated Social Media Reach: 2.4 M

Activities Report

2.1 NFT Degen

  • Total Twitter Comments: 1900+
  • Total Quora Comments: 151 Link
  • Supported Instagram Accounts Activities
  • Telegram Regional Group Shares
  • Supported projects
    – Aurora NFT Club, Endemic, Nifty Row, Genadrop, 3six9
    – We have also started to support the Aurora Regional Twitter tweets [Since 25th Nov.]

2.2 Events

  • ShowMe : Membership NFT of the Club: 20 Membership NFTs
  • Genadrop: Photography Contest: 50+ Mints in a Week.
  • Endemic: 3K Followers Benchmark: Achieved
  • 3six9: Diwali Contest in Collab with Aurora India: Minting Diwali Cards
  • 3six9: NFT Minting for new creators: Still Running. Ending on 29th Nov
  • NFT Sticker Minting Contest with Aurora Vietnam [In Progress]

Referring Aurora+ Wallets


2.3 Twitter Spaces AMA

Total Twitter Spaces Conducted: 5
Listeners: 1168

  1. Topic: Metaverse, Comics and Merchandise
  • Guest: Endemic, Paras Comics, NEAR x Publish, NEAR Hub, and Lacrove
  • Tuned In: 133
  1. Topic: Marketplace Changing Culture and Features
  • Guest: 3six9, NFT labs and UniqueOne
  • Tuned In: 264
  1. Topic: NFTs in African Culture
  • Guest: Sprityut DAO, Nifty Row
  • Tuned In: 64
  1. Topic: Future of GameFi
  • Guest: WOTA, Castle Overlord, Burrito Battle and Universe City
  • Tuned In: 73
  1. Topic: AMA with OctoGamex
  • Guest: OctoGamex Team
  • Tuned In: 634

2.4 Telegram AMA : NFT Nights

  1. NFT Night #0 with Lenin: Handcrafted physical work into NFTs
  2. NFT Night #1 with @NiftyRow: Nigerian and African art and culture in NFTs
  3. NFT Night #2 with NFT Creator @davegn_art : AI Arts in NFTs
  4. NFT Night #3 with @MINDGames_io: NFTs and Arena Gameplay
  5. NFT Night #4 with Flair : How Flair SDK is saving months of development
  6. NFT Night #5 with Swara DAO: Making Batik Tulis
  7. NFT Night #6 with Inkwork Labs: NFT Collection and Utilities
  8. NFT Night #7 with Samtoshi: Story behind "The Spooktacular Endy NFT
  9. NFT Night #8 with @tepixelabs: NFT collection aiming to help real world Carayas preservation foundation
  10. NFT Night #9 with L&B aka Kitchen Guild Marketing

Attended AMA as Guest

Conducted NFT Workshop

2.5 Newsletter

getRevue: NFT Club Weekly Newsletter | Revue

  • Published: 7 [ 8th to be published on 5th Dec ]
  • Subscribers: 35
  • Views: 320+

Membership Email Subscribers : Old Report from 22nd Nov

  • Members Subscribers: 1000+
  • Mail Sent: 434 [Due to the limit of 500 Subscribers in MailChimp Free service]
  • Mail Opened: 847 [799 Opens from USA]

2.6 Press Release

  1. Collaboration between Endemic and Aurora NFT Club: 1200+ Visits
  2. Photography Contest on genadrop.io: 600+ Visits

Funds Distribution

We received 11963 AURORA tokens worth $9020. We converted the tokens on time to time basis as were needed and due to change in price of Aurora during the past few weeks the overall amount got reduced to $6818 + 1000 Aurora tokens.

Here’s the transaction report summary

5963 4402 Near Transaction 7NEvoi3uY1S2ZC9HqkWRyJdt7A1T6KyHPzQqNdLnDBKN | NearBlocks
1000 504 NEAR Explorer | Transaction
2000 1003 NEAR Explorer | Transaction
2000 909 NEAR Explorer | Transaction
1000 - Not converted. Using it form Aurora+ Wallet for reward purposes.

Total amount after these conversions got into $6818 and 1000 $AURORA

A. Team Salary: $5250

Work Profile October
(Amount in USDT)
(Amount in USDT)
Community Lead 1000 1000 2000
Designer 300 300 600
Instagram 0 200 200
Twitter 200 200 400
Blog Writing 160 240 400
NFT Week 300 500 800
AMA 200 150 350
Admin 1 150 150 300
Admin 2 100 100 200

B. NFT Degen: $1005

Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Quora Work Sheet Work
155 200 200 100 200 100 50

C. Community Rewards: $331, and 652 $AURORA

Activity/Platform USDT Aurora
Telegram 156 97
Aurora Insider 150
NEAR NFT Club 25
Twitter Giveaways 150
Diwali Contest’ 60
Photography Contest 150
NFT Nights Twitter QA 45
3six9 Contest 50
Vietnam Contest [on-going] 100

D. Press Release: $50

  1. Collaboration between Endemic and Aurora NFT Club
  2. Photography Contest on genadrop

Total Used
USDT: 5250 (A) + 1005 (B) + 331 (C) + 50 (D) = $6636
Aurora: 652 (C)

USDT: 6818 - 6636 = $182
Aurora: 1000 - 652 = 348

Our Services

● Connect to the Aurora NFT Club Collaboration: Collaboration Form [Aurora NFT Club]
● Book your project’s AMA with Us: AMA Form [Aurora NFT Club]
● Join our mailing list by filling out the Membership Form: Membership Form [Aurora NFT Club]
● To claim membership in NFT, go to: https://auroranftclub.showme.fan

Connect with us

● Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/auroranftclub
● Telegram: Telegram: Contact @auroranftclub
● Project Lead: Naveen, @naveenkandwal (TG)

Aurora NFT Club


Here we go again after spoiling NEAR ecosystem.
Naveen here for Aurora.
Good to go.

Don’t you think its time to quite? We appreciate Naveen here because he has been contributing immensely to the ecosystem through Aurora NFT club, and your issues with him won’t change that.


They why NF stopped all projects of naveen, if he works that good.
Soon you get to know how naveen spoil the ecosystem and the you realize.

NEAR Vertical DAOs stopped funding many projects in past not of just Naveen. It’s just that you spent time looking for only that.

They keep experimenting and give room for other contributors to contribute. Their goal is to make projects self sustainable and support in their initial phase.

This is all I have to say on this comment, no sides! :v:


We all know the past allegations on naveen at NF, and that serves a main reason there,
naveen owes many users money which he get by making false promises and thats why his image get effected.
Soon he start doin unfair practices in Aurora too.

As you can see the growth must be ORGANIC by making people aware about ecosystem.

Naveen just start a bounty on this, result:- no one learned about the ecosystem and just shill the tweet for money and by this naveen created that inorganic reach in his Twitter.

The bounty you mentioned clearly says about writing thread on NFT projects on AURORA and post that on twitter.

Community engages more when they are rewarded for their efforts, it’s a common practice to boost engagement in project. You can’t call that inorganic.

Participant would read about NFT projects and then write the thread making them aware of projects on AURORA. How can you say no one would learn with this? If someone read, they learn.

Can’t argue more and stretch the topic, have a good day!


They are not learning they are just copy paste the title, all this for the reward and nothing for learn.

Mate, it’s time you rest and stop this.

You are trying to recruit others to hate Naveen because you had a bad experience with him.

In the journey to build communities, we all learn from one thing or the other. In fact, there is no one single ‘perfect’ community in the space.

Try to engage in other communities too. The community has heard your cry.



Ok mate no problem I am just making aware other people too.
I am nit here to spread the hate but a thing that is wrong is wrong no Matter what.
I will rest this now, until he made another unfair practices
thank you.

thank you for the great work!

i see here good tendency
but we haven’t started to collect the number of your degens
so for the next month, and the next proposal, I want to offer:

  1. to write KPI/metrics that you’re aimed to achieve more precise
    as a great example I can advise to have a look at your colleague’s work:
  1. let’s start tracking the degens growth with the other your channels

  2. to fix the results of your work we recommend to create documents like @Aurority made:

by my view, it’s the most convenient way of tracking activities :smiling_face:

:muscle: :star_struck:

thanks :green_heart:


Always supporting the team. :hugs: Great work Aurora Nft Club… :clap:


Hi Johanga,

Thanks for the feedback and helping us to find the best ways possible to grow our community. We have noted all our shortcomings.

  • In the upcoming proposals we will share the KPI/Metrics we are aiming to achieve along with the way to track growth in Degen program.
  • We will also work on our documentation in reference to the work of Aurority.
